Key message: Cement imports for April-June 2022 are 39% down on 2021 levels, indicating a possible decline in imports as port conditions normalise.
- April to June 2022 saw imports of 171kt, down 39% from the same period in 2021.
- The 12-month rolling annual import level is 848kt tons, down 30% on the previous 12 months. Port disruptions at Durban would have had an impact on imports but the last three months indicates a decline in imports.
- News from ITAC is that anti-dumping duties on cement from Pakistan have been extended for another 5 years, with ITAC ruling that the expiry of the duties would cause a material increase in imported cement to the detriment of the local market. See the full document here SKM_558e21120111310 (
- There has been no update on possible tariffs on all imported cement. Discussions with the dTi and the Minister do not seem to have been fruitful, with demands for price controls as a condition of imposing tariffs. This cannot be tenable for the cement industry facing cost increases of approx. 12% YoY and needing to recover this in pricing.