Cement Import Monitor

October 2021

Key message: October imports fell significantly to 35kt, well off September levels. This is a more expected outcome following supply chain disruptions.

  • October 2021 saw imports of 34 952 tons, a significant decline from September level. This is a more expected outcome following supply chain disruptions.
  • The 12-month rolling annual import level is 1.148m tons, up 17% on the previous 12 months. This is a high level and remains a significant competitor to local cement producers.
  • We do believe that ITAC tariffs on imported cement and clinker are still more than likely given the focus of the dTi to support local industry. This would likely result in an immediate 5% at least swing in market share back to the local producers.
  • However, it tariffs are not announced in the next six months we would be concerned that the impetus to support local industry would be waning.

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